Malicious Preview – Mikaela, Withered Isle, and Forsaken Boneyard

Malicious Preview – Mikaela, Withered Isle, and Forsaken Boneyard

Malicious Preview – Mikaela, Withered Isle, and Forsaken Boneyard

Welcome back to The Fog! The new Malicious Expansion for Dead by Daylight: The Board Game is out now, and introduces new Survivors, new Killers, and new Maps. In this final preview, I'm excited to reveal new maps and a new Survivor to you!

Mikaela has been a fan-favorite character since her release, and I was excited to create a character that would be fun for both first-time and veteran players.

Mikaela has a great balance of defensive and altruistic perks that make her a solid addition to any team composition.

Circle of Healing: After you successfully cleanse a Hex Totem, instead of gaining BP, a Survivor becomes healthy.

Circle of Healing is Mikaela’s signature perk, and it allows her to heal allies from across the map by utilizing a Hex Totem. This can make a big difference for allies who are too far away for help or who are about to end their turn next to the Killer.

Shadow Step: After moving along a path, place The Entity on that path. Players cannot move along that path.

Shadow Step lets Mikaela block the path behind her. This blocks Killer movement as well, and can make Mikaela very difficult to pursue when used correctly. It can also be used creatively to pull The Entity off of a space the Killer has placed it (since most Killers who can place The Entity do so during planning).

Clairvoyance: At the start of the planning phase, reveal a prop anywhere on the game board.

Clairvoyance reveals props during planning, and can help communicate your intentions to your allies, or give them more opportunities to act when they reach their destination.

Forsaken Boneyard is one of the most interesting maps in the game. The path between the ground-level structures (those on the outside ring) is pretty straightforward. However, reaching the upper levels (Twisted Tree and Eyrie Balcony East) requires some dedication. 

With only 9 spaces, it is among the more claustrophobic maps in the game.

Killers like The Trickster, The Deathslinger, and The Huntress have a lot of opportunity to use their ranged attacks to great effect in these locations.

Twisted Tree and Eyrie Balcony East have the most connections, but those connections are mostly jumps and Breakable Walls. Sprint is much more valuable than the other cards here, so beware of Killers like The Hag who can cut off certain colors of movement from the table, or The Blight who can sprint twice and reach any space on the board.

Space control Killers like The Trapper and The Clown can make great use of the limited pathways in this map to corner Survivors as well.

Among Survivors, Nea (with her ability to use Yellow paths against the arrows) is the obvious winner here. Vittorio and his new Fogwise ability will be excellent for utilizing Breakable Walls and Pallets to the fullest in this well-connected environment.

Good luck Surviving and Killing in the Forsaken Boneyard!

From one of the game’s smallest maps, we move to a big one. Withered Isle is a larger map (11 spaces) with a balanced structure. Breakable walls make much of the central mansion inaccessible. Unless the Killer chooses to open these up, getting from one room to the next can be extremely difficult and time-consuming for the Survivors.

This map is ideal for Killers and Survivors who can move quickly or unconventionally, such as The Dredge, The Wraith, Meg, and Haddie.

Those who are able to exert influence over a wide area, such as The Artist, The Blight, The Trapper, Mikaela, and Jonah will also have some advantage in this larger and harder-to-navigate environment.


I hope that you’ve enjoyed this preview of a new Killer and Survivor for Dead by Daylight: The Board Game! Get the game now in our online store!

Thanks for playing, and see you next time in The Fog!

— D. Brad Talton Jr
Dead by Daylight™: The Board Game Lead Designer