Arm Yourself - Thallya and Production Update

Want to see more of Thallya in action? Check out all of her cards in our Tabletopia mod!
Production Update
Digital proofs are still ongoing. Between the printers taking a week-long holiday and a few more issues being discovered, we're not quite done just yet. As I mentioned in my last post, digital proofs can sometimes take quite a while! With this project, some of the components, like the dual-layered game board, are components we have not printed in past games. This means it takes a little longer for us to convey what we're looking for to press.
To go into a bit more detail, each press pass takes around 2 weeks. When we receive a digital proof, we take a few days make sure staff has time to look over it and make sure all edits were applied. If any new issues are discovered or the files were not updated correctly (either press didn't use the correct file or we didn't send the correct file), this usually takes another few days to correct. Then once press has the updated files, it takes them another few days to put together a new digital proof and send it to us.
As far as timeline is concerned, we're still shooting for an August delivery, but making the best possible product is our priority. I won't have an updated timeline until after we receive the advance physical proof and production begins, so stay tuned for a future update on that!